What Are Tonsilloliths and How Can You Tell If You Have Them?

Did you know that your body creates stones in areas other than the kidneys and gallbladder? You have undoubtedly heard of kidney stones and gallstones before, but you probably didn’t know that your tonsils can create stones as well. These stones are called tonsilloliths, and they can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including a chronic sore throat, ear pain, white debris, and chronic bad breath. The last symptom can be one of the most unpleasant, because it can affect your confidence and your relationship with others.

If you have been suffering from chronic bad breath and you don’t know the cause, you may have a case of tonsil stones, which needs to be treated before your symptoms will abate. Here is some information about tonsil stones, how they form, and how you can tell if you have them.

Tonsillolith Formation

A tonsillolith is formed on one or both of the tonsils, which are located in the back of the throat on each side. Tonsils are made from tissue that contains infection-fighting cells called lymphocytes and are believed to play an important role in proper immune function by trapping some virus particles and bacteria before they enter your body through the opening in your throat.

Although tonsils often work properly and perform their intended function well, they sometimes function improperly and cause a lot of problems, which is why they are sometimes removed entirely.  One of the problems that tonsils are susceptible to is tonsil stones, which form when mucous, bacteria, and dead cells become trapped in the tonsil tissue. Over time, this debris hardens and forms white, smelly formations on the tonsils. These hardened formations cause chronic inflammation and bad breath and must be treated in order to relieve the symptoms.

Do You Have Tonsil Stones?

Not everyone who has chronic bad breath suffers from tonsil stones, and the condition is actually fairly rare. However, if you have a variety of other symptoms in addition to bad breath, then you may be suffering from the condition. You should be examined for tonsil stones if you have any of the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • Chronic bad breath (halitosis) that can’t be cured by practicing a healthy oral hygiene routine.
  • Chronic sore throat when you are otherwise healthy.
  • Difficulty swallowing because of inflammation in the back of the throat.
  • Swelling in the back of the throat that may or may not alter the sound of your voice.
  • Frequent earaches.
  • White debris that may be visible in the back of the throat where your tonsils are located.

If you notice a combination of any of these symptoms, you may have tonsil stones and should have your tonsils checked out by an expert.


If your tonsil stones are causing significant pain, you may want to schedule an appointment to have your tonsils permanently removed via a surgical procedure. If you don’t have painful symptoms then you may not want to go to such extremes. If your tonsil stone symptoms are limited to annoying symptoms like bad breath, there are products that you can use to treat your symptoms so that you can talk to others without being embarrassed about the smell of your breath.

If you have tonsil stones, you don’t want to use regular dental hygiene products that have been formulated for people who don’t have chronic breath problems. Instead, look for specialized dental products that are designed to help treat chronic bad breath from conditions like tonsil stones and gum disease. These specialized products contain ingredients that are known to fight bacteria in the mouth and effectively ward off chronic bad breath if they are used on a regular basis.

Toothpaste and Mouth Rinse

When you are looking for toothpaste and mouth rinse to treat your chronic bad breath, look for gentle ingredients that fight bacteria while simultaneously supporting healthy cell growth and repair. Aloe vera is an effective ingredient for treating halitosis because it contains natural antibacterial and antifungal properties and supports healthy cells. Oxidizing ingredients are also ideal for fighting halitosis because they help oxygen to permeate the mouth and repel anaerobic bacteria from the dark crannies in the mouth where they like to hide and thrive. Peppermint oil can further cleanse the mouth and leave you with minty fresh breath.g

If you suspect that tonsil stones are causing your bad breath, treat the symptoms with a quality toothpaste and mouth wash system that has been specially-formulated with bacteria-fighting ingredients.

Please feel free to contact Ella Gray at ella.l.gray@gmail.com with any questions.

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