Diet Right-Five Healthy Alternatives For Butter


Made from the milk’s fat content, butter is a type of dairy product that is comprised of vitamin A, proteins, 20% water, and 80% milk fat. Also, it contains high measures of calories and saturated fat, which can cause excessive weight gain and can be harmful to one’s health. Because of these unhealthy factors, a lot of people make use of substitution for butter. In an effort to become health wise and conscious when it comes to choosing and eating the right kind of food, getting acquainted with the following butter substitutes is an excellent idea.


Commonly known as clarified butter, Ghee is probably the closest thing to conventional butter. It comes from a certain process, which removes the butter’s impurities and stabilizes its saturated bonds, reducing the chances of forming free radicals when cooking. Though the process involved is relatively easy, many individuals still prefer to buy a pre-made Ghee. When choosing a pre-made Ghee, the best options are the grass-fed and organic as these assure the best flavor and the highest amounts of nutrients.


One of the most popular substitutes of butter is margarine. It contains lesser saturated fat and calories. However, it also contains unhealthy trans fat. Hence, it is advisable to use considerable amounts of margarine when cooking. It is also recommended to check the trans fat content on the margarine’s label. If it is high in vegetable oil content, then, make appropriate adjustments to the measurements of other oil ingredients and lessen the margarine accordingly.

Fruit Puree

The healthiest alternative for butter on a bread toast is fruit puree. It is available in a wide variety of choices, which include orange, pear, strawberry, mango, grape, apple, and many more. Fruit purees have lesser fat content and taste better than butter. These can also be made fresh at home. This type of butter substitute offers different tastes, which match every person’s taste preference. Another plus is its fiber content, which is helpful in food digestion. Moreover, they are a good source of natural antioxidants.


A good butter substitute for cooking oils. Flax-seed, virgin coconut, olive, nut, and vegetable oils may also contain fats but are healthier forms of fats, which provides more benefits to the body. These oils contain omega-9, omega-6, and omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep a healthy heart. Olive and virgin coconut oils provide a distinct taste that makes any recipe more delicious. On the other hand, flax-seed oil may taste bland, but when it is combined with several spices, along with its healthy attributes, it will make any recipe delicious and healthy.

Applesauce, Hummus and Garlic

Other commonly used butter substitutes may include hummus, applesauce, and even garlic. Applesauce is a good butter substitute for baking. It also adds a sweet taste to the food. A Mediterranean spread or food dip, hummus makes a perfect butter substitute for bread spread. Roasted garlic is also used as a butter substitute for bread toasts. It will not only provide a good taste to the toast, but it also offers health benefits as it contains natural oils, which are good sources of phosphorus, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

The above-mentioned butter substitutes are all healthy choices. However, companies have now realized the effects of butter or margarine have on the body and are creating healthier alternatives and informing people relevant facts, such as flora health, which has information, tips and recipes to keep your heart happy. And finally always remember discipline and moderation are always the main keys to good dieting, you can’t always blame the food.

Mandy is a stay-at-home mum with 2 children in primary school, in her past time she loves to garden, travel, cook healthy meals and write blogs for another stay at home mums and anyone with similar interests.

10 thoughts on “Diet Right-Five Healthy Alternatives For Butter

  • November 21, 2018 at 5:08 pm

    The hummus is particularly delicious when you toast the bread, it gets all melty in there!

  • November 21, 2018 at 5:18 pm

    Wow! I didn’t know that roasted garlic could have so many vitamins in it!

  • November 21, 2018 at 7:27 pm

    I’ll definitely have to test these out. I have 6 weeks left in this pregnancy then I have to get my butt in gear and lose the weight. Thanks!

  • November 23, 2018 at 3:06 am

    I always found Fruit Puree for a healthier spread much easier, but Margarine is actually really good too, but is that like kinda using “I cannot believe it’s butter”?

  • November 24, 2018 at 1:26 pm

    The fruit purees really threw me off. We use many of the other methods, particularly olive and coconut oils, but I did not even know applesauce was an option.

  • November 24, 2018 at 7:41 pm

    I’m totally a margarine eater, as a kid I’m sure it was because it was less expensive so i developed a taste for it. Now i also enjoy hummus, especially roasted garlic flavor.

  • November 25, 2018 at 1:36 pm

    I’d rather just use less butter…

  • November 25, 2018 at 4:13 pm

    Wow!!! These are amazing! Have to try some of these alternatives

  • November 28, 2018 at 2:49 am

    We usually use margarine in place of butter for bread, potatoes, etc. Applesauce is a nice alternative in things like muffins.


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