How to Keep Your Wine Chilled by Using a Wine Fridge

There are specific ways to chill wine properly. Unlike regular drinks that you put in the refrigerator, wines are delicate beverages that need subtle care. Regular refrigerators experience too much activity, thus fluctuating the temperature. Temperature changes are not ideal for wines.

Not everyone has access to wine cellars. That’s why wine refrigerators exist: to substitute for wine cellars at a lower price and smaller scale. Wine fridges are specifically for chilling smaller amounts of wine.

Since wine fridges are different from regular refrigerators, how do you properly use a wine fridge?


  • Maintain Optimal Temperature


Wines can be sensitive and need to be treated properly for the best taste. Wine responds to subtle temperature changes; that’s why optimal temperature must be maintained. Here’s where wine cooling differs a lot from the typical refrigeration: wine fridges are made explicitly for wines.

Try your best to stay at 55°F. Anything higher or lower than that will affect the quality of the wine, ruining the wine tasting experience. Avoid temperature fluctuations too as this will cause issues with the wine flavoring.


  • Please Turn Off the Lights; the Wines Are Sleeping


There is a reason why the ancient cellars are underground. Wine cellars exist to keep wine collections out of any light’s reach. Typical household bulbs and fluorescent lights harm the quality of wines in little ways.


  • Avoid Vibrations and Movements As Much As Possible


There are theories related to wines and vibrations. Collectors are not very fond of waves on their wines, because it disturbs the sediments from older wines. Opening old wines subjected to shaking may taste a bit gritty.


  • Avoid Oxidation at All Cost: Air Is Not Allowed


Place wines on their side. If you store wines vertically, the cork will eventually dry out and let air inside. A bottle of oxidized wine is a ruined wine. Store the wine bottles sideways to keep the corks from getting dry. Oxidation will ultimately harm the quality of the wine.


  • Don’t Fret Too Much About Humidity


Humidity between 50% to 80% is on the safer side. Unless you live in an extremely damp place, molds will only develop if your wine’s seal is not tight enough. 


Using a wine fridge is a great way to store your favorite wines. The temperatures are easier to control, the orientation of the racks are already sideways, and the lights are usually limited.

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